Merry Gear Solid 2: the Ghosts of Christmas Past UPDATED

Merry Gear Solid 2: the Ghosts of Christmas Past

Merry Gear Solid is a fan-made freeware game Affectionate Parody of the Metal Gear series and Christmas Specials of all kinds, past the creator of The Underside. In that location are ii games:

This game provides examples of:

  • Affectionate Parody: Very much so.
  • Arc Number: Your Mission Control in both games has the codec frequency of 12.25.
  • Benevolent Conspiracy: The Iii Wise Men (Frosty, Santa and Bob Cratchit) created the Spirit of Christmas Organization to encourage good behavior.
  • Big Bad: Tragic Tim manipulated the events of the games to gain control over the Merry Gear Solid.
  • Bilingual Bonus: The "Bigotes Perfectos" projection mentioned in the beginning game, and the store "Les Enfants Clotildes" in the second.
  • Clap Your Easily If You lot Believe: Invoked by Otacon to ability some of the items. Used fairly disturbingly when explaining why the Missiletoe Launcher (missiles with behemothic lips on the finish) doesn't kill the kids.

    Otacon: "Tell you what. Let's phone call it a... Missiletoe Launcher!"
    Snake: "Missiletoe Launcher?!"
    Otacon: "Yeah! It'due south simply similar the Nikita but information technology fires... hmmm... Allow's see... Let's say it fires a missile with a pair of lips on it... A Kissile!"
    Ophidian: "Otacon, you tin can't merely—!"
    Otacon: "That's correct! And smooching a kid with the Kissile will overwhelm them... with beloved!" (explains how to utilise it)
    Snake: "Kissiles?! Missiletoe Launcher?! This is ridiculous! Why should I believe a single thing you lot've said—"
    Otacon: "Well, because if yous don't... ...You'll finish upwardly blowing up a lot of child—"
    Snake: "Alright! Alright! I believe yous!"

    • Santa and his family only exist when people believe in them. Tragic Tim uses this to impale Nick Junior.
  • Continuity Nod: Frequently during codec conversations.
    • All of 2 is one big reference to the original Metal Gear 2; the Polliwog ambush on the lift was actually a dominate fight in the original game, and all of the backtracking plays just like the original.
  • Fission Mailed: In a part where Otacon thinks he can't attain yous, he begins to yell "Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAA—" until Snake interrupts.
  • Gambit Pileup: It is retroactively revealed, during the events of the first game, Tragic Tim tired to trap Santa in order to torture him for the terminal code for the Merry Gear. Even so, Santa knew about Tim's program. Equally such, Saint Nick created the Big Beard story in order to have Snake assassinate him. However, he survived the bullet in the head to Snake'due south heart assertive Santa must be alive. As such, Tim formed the Ghost of Christmas Past with Jack Frost and Nick Inferior. However, he intended to kill both of them so he could become Begetter Christmas. The Ghosts of Christmas Past threaten to apply Santa'due south Hat to turn all the world's children naughty unless they got Santa's brain so they can obtain the last passcode, leading to the events Merry Gear Solid 2. Notwithstanding, Santa manipulated Solid Snake into stopping Tragic Tim. To top it all off, Scrooge and the mysterious Ha He Ho Ho Ho take Out-Gambitted everyone else in lodge to obtain control over the Merry Gear Solid for reasons yet unknown.
  • The Grinch: Tragic Tim wants to become Male parent Christmas in order to end Christmas.
  • The Hero Dies: Snake kills Santa at the cease of the first game, mistaking him for Big Boss' twin brother.
  • Hurricane of Puns
  • An Ice Person: The milkman in the second game. His father, Frosty, was ane.
  • Insane Troll Logic: How Major Tim justifies Solid Santa non getting caught while wearing a souvenir box over his head:

    Major Tim: As long as you're not moving, y'all'll await like an ordinary Gift Box, then the children won't accept detect of you.
    Solid Santa: Expect, aren't children attracted to gift boxes?
    Major Tim: Well... that item gift box is total of bombs.
    Solid Santa: It'southward full of bombs?!
    Major Tim: If you believed it is, would you lot arroyo it?
    Solid Santa: No...
    Major Tim: So aye, information technology'south total of bombs.
    Solid Santa: That doesn't make any sense.

  • Interface Spiral: Come across Puzzle Boss below.
  • In the Style of...: The soundtrack by and large consists of Christmas songs in a minor key fabricated to sound like Metal Gear Solid tracks.
  • It Runs on Nonsensoleum: A lot of your gear has really screwy explanations for why they piece of work, similar the souvenir box that you lot tin can use to hide in (the kids you're hiding from volition ignore information technology because "it's full of bombs") or the "Meet's Candy Pikestaff" that lets you lot encounter invisible laser tripwires, or the aforementioned Missiletoe Launcher.
  • Mission Control: Tiny Tim in the starting time, Otacon in the 2d.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Snake later realizing he just killed Santa.
  • No Fourth Wall: Often parodied, and in one scene doubly subverted:

    Otacon: "Snake, do y'all know what it means to 'break the fourth wall'?"
    Snake: "I recall I think you telling me about this... It had something to do with that wall in Shadow Moses that sounded a bit difference when I tapped on it... Sounded a bit more... hollow... That's when I broke the 4th wall... ...With some plastic explosives! I'm pretty certain Revolver Ocelot was just a few rooms further..."
    Snake: "... Just why are nosotros talking about Metal Gear Solid 1?"
    Otacon: "What?! That's not information technology at ALL, Snake!"

  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: There are no escape sequences when you become caught. Become spotted merely once, and it'due south Game Over.
  • Parrot Exposition: Used very oft, and to the indicate of Lampshade Hanging in sure scenes.
  • Private Military Contractors: Parodied in the second game with the PNCs—Pretty Naughty Children.
  • Pun: Plenty:
    • Outer Savin' Mall.
    • The "Revolting Omelot" restaurant:

    Recording: "6 buffets. More than enough to fill up annihilation that moves!"

    • Nearly all of the weapons, including the "Holid Eye" and "Nova Cane."
    • The soundtrack titles, including the remix of "Run into", "He Sees You When You lot're Sneaking."
  • Puzzle Boss: Both the milkman and the postman in the 2d game. To defeat the milkman, you lot accept to fix your computer clock ahead a couple of weeks, and to defeat the postman, you take to drag a file in the game directory onto the window.
  • Retraux: The graphics and overall way are roughly SNES-level, except for the voice acting.
    • Judging by the trailer for Merry Gear Solid 3, the series has moved up a bit to parody PS1-era graphics with Metal Gear Solid 4's complimentary camera system.
  • Sequel Hook: At the cease of Merry Gear Solid 2, a mysterious grouping called the "Ha He Ho Ho Ho" has evidently taken possession of the Merry Gear.
  • Shout-Out:
    • This quote:
    • The music in the teaser for iii is a mashup betwixt the "Theme of Tara" and the principal theme of Luigi's Mansion.
  • Stealth Pun: The "Holid Eye" gadget works past filtering out the "sad blues and greens" of Christmasses by to (somehow) grant you infrared vision — Otacon all but says "rose-tinted glasses".
  • Certain, Let's Go with That: How almost of the items work. Otacon makes upward some reason why something would work the fashion information technology does; for case, the toast can be used to un-jam the radar considering the mold on the toast absorbs jam.
  • Talking to Himself: As all the voice work in the first game was washed by a single person (except for the naughty children, who were voiced by the chief programmer of the game), this was inevitable. Avoided in the second game due to the addition of v more vocalism actors, and though he voices a lot of characters once more, they never interact.
  • What Kind of Lame Ability Is Heart, Anyway?: Santa Claus has the power of Christmas Spirit... which is limited to turning on TVs with his heed. Once. Fortunately, in a stealth game the ability is at least somewhat useful. Especially since it's a stealth game where all your opponents are small, hands distracted children.


Merry Gear Solid 2: the Ghosts of Christmas Past UPDATED

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